- Fast turnaround solution to an urgent illumination requirement on a major road construction project
- Our consultation offered a solution that had not yet been considered, providing greater cost-efficiency and reduced health and safety risks

The ELV cable solution proved to be the most cost-effective option and offered significantly reduced risk to health and safety, as technicians would be able to investigate potential electrical issues at the source of the supply on the opposite side of the road. If a solar-powered option had been chosen, all maintenance and investigative work would have involved inspection of the signs and panels directly in their mounted position, posing greater risk to the safety of the technicians and potentially requiring part-closure of the road.
This solution also reduced the amount of components that needed to be fitted to the signs, and so in turn, meant that there would be less equipment at risk of damage from the weather.
The installation went very well. Many thanks for your prompt and helpful contribution, we greatly appreciated your very knowledgeable and proactive input.
Dr Marie Kanayan
Senior Project Manager, Coventry City Council